time-trackingA company that runs around the clock, or relatively close to it, has very little downtime to set aside for repairs and mishaps. Many don’t even have a plan of action if something were actually to occur that stopped all production. You lose much more than you realize when production slows, and several companies are so busy putting out fires that they leave no room for the planning that is most profitable.

It is very likely that you may not even be aware of the unprepared state of your company. Pharmaceutical companies that rely on continuous production, as well as power plants that provide energy for an entire town, are only two examples of the many businesses that can’t afford to lose days on end. In any situation in which there is a time constraint, there is a strong possibility of losing resources that cannot be recovered. Once you’re running 20 hours a day, there is guaranteed to be tension.

Companies running around the clock, although they have difficulties with time management, often do better at planning their schedules than those who don’t. These companies do not have the spare time to simply muddle their way through. When you do not realize the time that is wasted, you cannot recognize the pain of unplanned downtime. Every company should be aware of their available time, or lack thereof.

It is essential that you are tracking your downtime, and there are several main questions that you should be asking yourself.

  • Are you tracking both your uptime and your downtime?  If you’re not, it is critical that you begin to do so. Having an accurate understanding of these two important factors will help you make better decisions when things go wrong.
  • When you have unplanned downtime, do you know the cause? Your unplanned downtime comes at a cost; therefore, you should also consider how much you are losing when production stops.
  • What is the cost of each production hour, and what do your lines cost to run versus what they cost not to run?

The answers to these questions can indicate where your problems lie as well as stimulate thought in regards to possible solutions.

When you are not properly tracking your time, you risk increasing your costs lost by substantial numbers. Many companies lack the understanding required to track their production, and others are too caught up in the day-to-day struggles to measure time accurately. Within either situation, a mechanical contractor is incredibly beneficial in working to get companies ahead. With maintenance, installation, design services and more, many problems will be remedied quickly and efficiently. Capitalize on your downtime if any is available, and always be prepared for the worst.