mechanical-contracting-certificationsThere’s a lot to consider when hiring mechanical services contractors, from availability to price.

Even more important is their level of competence. It’s not enough to provide mechanical services—they should also apply the most ethical policies and safest practices while on the job. This is something you can check by investigating their accreditations.

Associations vs. Certifications

Before hiring mechanical contractors, you may ask for their certifications, but equally relevant are the associations they’re affiliated with. Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), for example, is a national trade association that helps its 20,000-plus members work safely and ethically by regularly auditing mechanical services companies to ensure they’re up to speed on the latest safety policies. By providing a third-party verification system, ABC ranks mechanical services companies at different levels: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum (the highest).


Some mechanical contracting companies, such as TMS, go above and beyond. In addition to being a platinum member of ABC, TMS is also audited and certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) to ensure all of the industry’s necessary qualifications are being met.

Licensing by State for Mechanical Services Contractors

Because codes may vary regionally, mechanical contractors must have a master mechanical license from the state in which they’re operating. This allows them to understand the building codes for their specific area. Certain states don’t require HVAC licensing, however. That’s why it’s best to check a mechanical contractor’s affiliations in order to ensure they can perform services that will meet regional requirements.

Tougher Certifications

Not all certifications are the same. Obtaining welding certification, for example, is a little more complicated than other areas of expertise. To make sure welders work to code, they must perform a welding procedure that is qualified and then pass a similar certification test that may include visual inspection criteria, X-ray, or bend testing.

The American Welding Society (AWS) gives tests to certify welders in a number of disciplines, from aerospace to structural. If you’re looking to hire a welder in a specific field, you can check the AWS certified welder registry to confirm their certification.

Getting Certified

While you should definitely verify that your contractor is licensed and certified, bear in mind that this in itself won’t guarantee future work performance. Once mechanical contractors take a test to earn their certification, they’re good to go—there aren’t further audits to check on their work in the field. This is another reason why it’s important to find a company that has been vetted by multiple third-party professional organizations.

Now that you know where to look and what things to look for in an accredited contractor, you’re ready to call a mechanical services company that meets your needs. For a professional, family-owned mechanical contractor with a platinum rating from ABC (among its many other certifications), contact TMS today at